“As a national organization, Rock the Vote works to inform and engage young people across the country in elections. One of the biggest challenges it faces is continuing to engage young people in off-year elections, particularly in small, local races where information is difficult to source.”
Civic Data Products and System Services
Welcome all developers, civic tech innovators, service providers, government agencies at all levels, media organizations, researchers, hack-a-thons, and voter outreach organizations.
US Vote collects, curates, and licenses the most comprehensive and trusted U.S. Civic Data. This best-in-class civic data is available through our API for your creative use.
We also host complete voter services systems for organizations and states that need comprehensive, managed solutions.
Local Election Official and Office Contact Data
U.S. Vote Foundation (US Vote) is the recognized leader in the curating and provision of data relating to local election officials and their offices. US Vote’s Election Official Directory (EOD) enables developers of voter or election services applications to utilize the data in our comprehensive election jurisdiction database in their own application or website.
Election Dates and Deadlines
The US Vote data set includes Election Dates and Deadlines for U.S. Domestic and Overseas Voters. Detailed deadline information includes date ranges for Early and In-Person Absentee Voting. US Vote’s data maintenance services give developers and voter organizations the confidence needed to populate their tools and apps with the most accurate dates and deadlines data available.
State Voter Information
Voting regulations vary from state to state. Even for federal level elections, there are no two states with the same requirements and no two states that describe their requirements in the same way. US Vote has remediated this problem with our State Voting Requirements and Information database, and in doing so has created a valuable data resource for developers and voting organizations that need to manage this ongoing data challenge.
Voting Methods and Options
State election laws vary and not all states offer the same methods or options for casting a ballot. Letting voters know their options is an important service. US Vote’s data set for Voting Methods and Options allows you to provide services that support voters seeking alternatives voting methods that allow them to fit civic participation into their lives.State election laws vary and not all states offer the same methods or options for casting a ballot.
Hosted Systems Solutions
New! Domestic Vote-by-Mail / Absentee Ballot Widget and Hosted System Solution
Whether for one state, or all 50 plus the territories, US Vote’s Domestic Vote-by-Mail Absentee Ballot Request software solutions will enable your voter outreach organization, state or jurisdiction to help voters complete legible ballot requests and send them in for processing faster. Available as a Widget or a Hosted System to give voters the opportunity to access a guided system that speeds the process for requesting their ballot.
The automated absentee ballot request wizard streamlines all state requirements into a customized state-specific flow with state-specific form output for domestic voters, complete with instructions and the local election office address and contact information. Usage reporting options are also available.
This solution can be provided as a Widget - embedded in a page on your website, or as a customized hosted system solution. It can offer all states' ballot request flows, or just one state.

Online Voter Services Customized to Fit Your Needs
US Vote, together with our Overseas Vote initiative, provides a comprehensive set of services that can enable you to meet the voting needs of your target audience. Customizable Hosted Systems Solution (HSS) give you all the tools you need to offer a full suite of voter services to your voters. It's fast and easy. Our HSS delivers a complete site - you choose which of the US Vote-developed tools and services will run under your banner on a site fully hosted and maintained by the US Vote organization for you.All that is left is for you to post a banner or a link to your new personalized services and we do the rest.

Fixing the Problem of Low Voter Turnout in US Local Elections: A Data-driven Solution
While many reasons exist for low voter turnout, one of the most salient factors is the complexity of the U.S. voting ecosystem. There are over 90,000 local governments nationwide, and tens of thousands of local elections take place across the country every year. This complexity lends itself to an enormous information gap that significantly complicates the task of being an informed voter. Knowing what or who is on the ballot, much less where and when and how to vote, become daunting tasks that are effective barriers to local voting.
U.S. Vote Foundation' solution to this problem (LOCelections) has been designed to be the repository of record for information on dates, deadlines and eligibility for all US local elections. The LOCelections data resource will contain information on local election dates, deadlines, eligibility and other key data from across the country to enable intelligent, informed voting at the local level and to help improve local voter participation.
US Vote Civic Data Licensees